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Septic Tank Upgrade Grant

Do you have an old septic tank? Would you like to have it upgraded for free or a vastly reduced cost. In some cases we might be able to offer a cash bonus, on top of a free system. It depends on how difficult it is to install the system, and how many credits it generate relative to the cost (to us) of installing it.

Septic Tank Upgrade Grant Criteria

As mentioned above, not all private drainage systems can be used to create credits. You must meet one of the below criteria. The other criteria we will check with you if you are interested.

There are others too, but the above 3 are easiest to verify.

Where does this Work?

This works in any river catchment where Natural England has issued a letter highlighting problems with nutrients.  

There are certain restrictions where credits can be created. For example credit projects have to be upstream of affected sites.

Can’t I Just Upgrade My Tank Myself?

Potentially yes. But that is the easy bit. There is several months’ worth of paper work that needs to be done before you start, to get these things approved, and it is not easy. We have to get the upgrades passed off by the County Council, The County Ecologists, Natural England and Building Control. Even for us it is quite complicated.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions we have been asked by people looking to upgrade septic tanks. Most of this information comes from reports projects we have been owkring on for a number of years via Southwest Environmental Limited.

Is 2.4 People the Correct Occupancy?

In your budget calculation you will need to specify a population. For any dwelling (that isn't a flat) you should use 2.4 people. This might seams strange if you live in a big house, but it is the agreed figure, and any justification for use of a different value should be very robust. We have seen some cases where this figure is reduced owing to legal restrictions on maximum occupancy (sheltered housing for example) but never increased.

Can install a treatment plant for a larger population than required?

When the "renewable heat incentive" grants for wood fired boilers were being paid back in 2010 (is) it was common for boiler to be over specified so as to release more grant money. This won't work with septic tanks. The amount of credit that can be claimed is based on the population (which for 1 dwelling is capped at 2.4 person) a bigger treatment plant will not yield more credits.

Can I use a Plant with Chemical Dosing?

No you cannot. Not if you intend to maintain it yourself. Sewage companies can use dosing plants, but not member of the public or companies that are not official sewage undertakers.