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Combined Sewer Removal

In the olden days it was thought convenient to put surface water (from roofs and roads) in to the same sewer at the foul water (toilet flushing etc). Although this dilutes sewage and reduces the phosphorous concentration, it increases the overall amount of phosphorus or nitrogen entering the river, as sewage treatment works discharge at a set rate say 5.0mg/l. So if you can remove 1000's of liters of rain water from the sewers then you can make a nutrient credit.

How does this Work?

Drains or sewer receiving rainwater are modified so they only receive foul water. Rain water is diverted to a soak-away or direct to a river or other surface water body.

Where does this Work?

This works in any river catchment where Natural England has issued a letter highlighting problems with nutrients.  

There are certain restrictions where credits can be created. For example credit projects have to be upstream of affected sites.

Can’t I Just Do the Work Myself?

Potentially yes. But that is the easy bit. There is several months’ worth of paper work that needs to be done before you start, to get these things approved, and it is not easy. We have to get the upgrades passed off by the County Council, The County Ecologists, Natural England and Building Control. Even for us it is quite complicated.

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